5 Major Reasons Why Your Next Phone Should Be An iPhone

By Sam December 6, 2021 in Audio, Tech

A lot of the people out there choose an android as their smartphone. There are many reasons why people chose androids, but when it comes to sheer quality and class, we all know that an android cannot hold a candle to how awesome iPhones are. Whenever you ask someone for advice on the best phone you can buy, their answer will almost always be an iPhone! Why is it like that? Here are five compelling reasons that answer that very question!

1. iPhones Are Way More User Friendly
Even though developers have put a lot of effort into making androids as easy to use as possible, still they cannot beat an iPhone in user-friendliness. The welcoming design and self-explanatory gestures of iPhones makes the phone feel like you have known it forever. iPhones still maintain their premium look and feel since their very first commercially available phone!

2. Next-Level Security
You know that security is essential if you use your phone to access your e-mails, make online purchases, and use banking applications. You cannot have enough security no matter what. And with iPhones, you get the best of the best in that matter. IOS is a closed source software, and the rights to it are with Apple only, so exploiting loopholes is near to impossible with iPhones.

3. Cross-Platform Linking
If you already have Apple devices at home, then getting an apple phone only makes sense! Apple has seamless linking across different platforms using several third party applications. The continuity feature of Apple devices is something you will fall in love with. Handoff is a perfect example of Apple’s excellence. You can start writing a note on your phone, hand it off to your mac and continue there!

iPhone and MacBook Pro both displaying the same web page in Safari

4. You Are Always Up-To-Date
Unless you have a very obsolete iPhone, like the iPhone 5 at this point, you will always be running the latest operating system from Apple! According to a recent report, almost 80% of all Apple users are using up-to-date software! Compared to android, this percentage is a staggering 75.1% more! Only 4.9% of all android users have the latest android version.

5. iPhones Keep Their Value
iPhones are already more valuable than most android phones when bought new. While android phones lose most of their value within the first year of use, iPhones do not. iPhones are easier to sell and always sell at a reasonable price compared to when you bought them! The cost of upgrading to the newest iPhone is less for iPhone users compared to android users!

People usually have to choose between iPhones and androids when upgrading to a new phone. And it is not much of a choice when you know what iPhones are capable of. Tell us in the comments if you will be upgrading to an iPhone anytime soon!